The well-known cigarette brand John Player Special, characterized by a historical premiumness goes through a price repositioning, while maintaining the unique brand character
Make clear the new price positioning, maintaining the perception of premiumness of the brand.
3ways creates a frame on the shelf that enhances the preciousness of the offer (treated as a work of art) using a laminated material and backlit by LEDs. The frame carries the price of communication by putting in prominence with an elegant and impressive stylistic treatment.The proposed solution is simple to apply and remove and allows periodic update of communication.
The well-known cigarette brand John Player Special, characterized by a historical premiumness goes through a price repositioning, while maintaining the unique brand character
Make clear the new price positioning, maintaining the perception of premiumness of the brand.
3ways creates a frame on the shelf that enhances the preciousness of the offer (treated as a work of art) using a laminated material and backlit by LEDs. The frame carries the price of communication by putting in prominence with an elegant and impressive stylistic treatment.The proposed solution is simple to apply and remove and allows periodic update of communication.