Imperial Tobacco relaunches in Italy the historic brand JPS with an aggressive price positioning. Following the excellent performance of the basic references (which in less than a year conquered share and distribution) it extends the range with products primarily intended for a female target.
Present the new products while reiterating the brand price positioning.
3ways realizes a display case which recalls the thin shape of the pack. At the top the price communication, with an interesting creative copy, it is associated with the new format. Two ducts lit with LEDs enhance the color codes of the two references.
Imperial Tobacco relaunches in Italy the historic brand JPS with an aggressive price positioning. Following the excellent performance of the basic references (which in less than a year conquered share and distribution) it extends the range with products primarily intended for a female target.
Present the new products while reiterating the brand price positioning.
3ways realizes a display case which recalls the thin shape of the pack. At the top the price communication, with an interesting creative copy, it is associated with the new format. Two ducts lit with LEDs enhance the color codes of the two references.